Get involved
Help us to Break the Cycle of poverty for children in south India by enabling them to receive a full education
We work with fellow Christians in South India in their work with the poor and under-privileged. Some things you can do to help include:- Prayer: for the Homes, children, schools, churches, individuals. Sponsorship: of a young person in one of the hostels costs £240 per year. Another idea is sponsoring midwifery or nursing training, which both creates needed skills and provides a career path. (It costs about £200 for a 1 year initial training course, or £250 per year for a 3 year qualification). Regular giving: At present our only long-term funding commitment is the Halvi Boys Hostel which costs about £9,900 per year – that’s about £250 for each of the 40 boys - £21 per month. One-off giving: for a specific purpose - for example towards the current Break the Cycle initiative to construct the offices or help "bridge" the gap between now and then. Please contact the Chairman or Secretary for more details on any of the above topics. BSG Financial efficiency: Massive benefits can be achieved from relatively small amounts of money. Added to this, of every pound given to the BSG over 99% actually reaches the specific need in India. There are no “overheads” either |
here in UK or in India for either fundraising or administration. The only costs we have are bank transfer charges – approximately £80 most years. The benefits can be increased further if you can Gift Aid your contribution. Please contact the Chairman.
Charity Details, Contacts, Bulletins & Annual Report The Bellary Support Group is a Registered UK charity (No. 1095365) to support projects of the Church of South India in the Bellary Area that will promote the Christian religion, education, health and welfare of poor and underprivileged people. The trustees are Peter Gibson (Chairman & temporary Treasurer), Jenny Lewis (Secretary), and Terry Wilcox. Peter can be contacted at [email protected] (07710 397688), Jenny at [email protected]. For all matters concerning safeguarding, the "Designated Safeguarding Lead" is Jenny Lewis. The latest news Bulletin plus our Governance Policies are available below.